Background image: Department of Neuroscience at UC Berkeley

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Neuroscience

The Department of Neuroscience, which launched in July 2024, will advance the understanding of brain, mind, and behavior through research, education and training. Our faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and postdoctoral researchers study how the brain functions in health and disease, how it generates behavior and thought, and how it computes. We investigate the nervous system on levels ranging from molecules and cells, to neural circuits and systems, to behavior and cognition, to neural computation. We also develop neurotechnology and explore the impacts of neuroscience on society.

Chair's Message

Dan Feldman portraitNeuroscience has been growing and thriving at UC Berkeley for 40 years, with outstanding faculty, cutting-edge research and a vibrant PhD program. Until recently, this community was scattered across many departments. We have now come together as our own department—the Department of Neuroscience, launched in July 2024.  Our department, comprising 32 faculty members, spans a broad range of expertise—from molecules to the mind—and includes cutting-edge fields such as computational neuroscience and neurotechnology. We are driving innovation by advancing new research frontiers, offering a robust undergraduate neuroscience major, and creating exciting new programs. 

We will continue to offer outstanding PhD and postdoctoral training for tomorrow's research leaders. I am very excited to be part of this effort to advance neuroscience education, research, and discovery at Berkeley!

--Dan Feldman

Neuroscience Events