Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Neuroscience Department is committed to welcoming and supporting a diverse community of undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, staff and faculty. Science, like all fields of discovery and innovation, benefits from the participation of talented people from all communities and backgrounds, including those from historically underrepresented groups in science. As a department, we believe it is essential to increase diversity and belonging among biomedical scientists at all levels. We will provide an inclusive and equitable environment for education and research that trains scholars for success in their educational and career goals.

As part of this effort, we seek to establish and maintain a climate within the department that is supportive and inclusive independent of one’s beliefs, disabilities, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic background.

Resources for undergraduates 

Resources for graduate students

Resources for postdocs

Resource for faculty

Disabled students and disability access

For information relating to campus accommodations for students with disabilities, please visit the Disabled Students' Program. This program is dedicated to supporting students and collaborating with the campus community to remove barriers to educational access and embrace the University's values of equity and inclusion. For specific concerns about access to Neuroscience buildings, laboratory facilities, and classrooms, please direct questions to the Department Chair.

Additional campus-wide resources

Below, you can find additional resources relevant to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) and higher education that may support you or someone you know. 

General Resources 

Activities & Organizations 

Health & Wellbeing 

Safety & Incident Reporting 

Department of Neuroscience Student Services Contacts

Undergraduate Affairs Office

Undergraduate advising and programs. For questions, contact neuro-uao@berkeley.edu

Graduate Affairs Office

Graduate advising. For questions, contact  neuro.pgm@berkeley.edu