
HWNI Neuroscience PhD Program Alumni

NameDegree YearLabDissertation Title
Erin Aisenberg 2024 Spring Bateup lab Elucidating a Novel Peptidergic Circuit in the Nucleus Accumbens Medial Shell
Julian Bieber-Dishart 2024 Spring Dillin lab Olfaction regulates peripheral mitophagy and mitochondrial function 
Katie Cording 2024 Spring Bateup lab The impact of autism spectrum disorder risk gene mutations on striatal circuit function
Marisa Denkinger 2024 Spring Jagust lab Relationships between blood-brain barrier disruption and Alzheimer's disease biomarkers in aging
Xue Lily Gong 2024 Spring Theunissen / Gallant labs Language representation in human cerebral cortex
Madeline Klinger 2024 Spring Wilbrecht / Landry labs Fluorescent Adolescence: Shedding Light on Neural Encoding of Task Information in the Adolescent vs. Adult Frontal Cortex
Sylvia Madhow 2024 Spring  Bouchard lab Parsimonious estimates of functional connectivity and biomarkers of cognitive development in early childhood
Matthew Davis 2023 Fall Saijo / Beery Labs Investigating genetic and environmental regulation of neurodevelopment and social behavior
Dariya Bakshinskaya 2023 Summer Isacoff Lab Synaptic heterogeneity and the underlying molecular mechanisms at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction.
Celia Ford 2023 Summer Wallis Lab Orbitofrontal and Hippocampal Contributions to State Coding and Decision Making
William Croughan 2023 Spring Foster Lab Closed Loop Investigation of Hippocampal Replay
Molly LaPoint 2023 Spring Jagust Lab Investigating regional amyloid accumulation and cerebral blood flow reductions in aging and Alzheimer's disease
Krisha Aghi 2022 Fall Isacoff Lab Robustness in locomotory output from synapse-to-synapse diversity in transmission and regulation at the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction
Arjun Mukerji 2022 Fall Silver Lab Two experiments using brain imaging to answer questions about the neural basis of Human Vision
Christine Tseng 2022 Fall Gallant Lab Investigating the effects of context on semantic representations in the brain and mapping social representations in the brain
Christiane Voufo 2022 Fall Feller Lab The Circuit Mechanisms Underlying the Spatiotemporal Properties of Stage 1 Retinal Waves
Joseph Aman 2022 Summer Feldman Lab Multiple Modes of PV Interneuron Plasticity in Mouse Somatosensory Cortex
Zuzanna Balewski 2022 Summer Wallis Lab Prefrontal and Subcortical Dynamics of Value-Based Decision Making
Benjamin Shababo 2022 Summer Adesnik Lab Methods for High-throughput, Cellular-Resolution Estimation of Synaptic Properties
Amanda Tose 2022 Summer Lammel Lab Inputs to midbrain dopamine neurons control nicotine aversion and motivated feeding
Ellen Zippi 2022 Summer Carmena / Wallis Labs Neuroprosthetic Skill Learning and Stimulation-Based Neuromodulation
Holly Gildea 2022 Spring Dillin Lab C. elegans glial HSF-1 protects from stress and aging via a novel neural mechanism
Christine Liu 2021 Fall Lammel Lab An inhibitory brainstem input to dopamine neurons encodes nicotine aversion
Jacob Miller 2021 Fall D'Esposito Lab The neural architecture of working memory: anatomical and functional studies of prefrontal cortex
Maimon Rose 2021 Fall Yartsev Lab Cortical representation of social communication in Egyptian fruit bats
Kevin Yu 2021 Fall Theunissen Lab An Auditory Memory System for Individual Vocal Recognition in the Zebra Finch
Azure Grant 2021 Summer Kriegsfeld / Wilbrecht Labs Reproductive, Metabolic, and Autonomic Networks Across the Female Lifespan
Irene Grossrubatscher 2021 Summer Isacoff Lab From networks to neurons: A multilevel investigation of experience-dependent improvement in prey capture behavior in the larval zebrafish
Colin Hoy 2021 Summer Knight Lab Electrophysiological Signatures of Reward, Surprise, and Conflict in the Human Brain
Melissa Newton 2021 Summer D'Esposito / Kayser Labs Neural correlates of decision-making in human parietal cortex
Sara Popham 2021 Summer Gallant Lab Investigating Relationships Between Semantic Representations in the Human Brain
Tobias Schmid 2021 Summer Yartsev Lab Vocal Learning Neural Circuits in the Egyptian Fruit Bat
Emilio Soto-Soto 2021 Summer Kriegsfeld Lab Impacts of Chronic Circadian Disruption on Neural Structure and Cognition: The Importance of Considering Sex and Age
Gregory Telian 2021 Summer Adesnik Lab The multifunctional nature of motor cortex
Malak El-Quessny 2021 Spring Feller Lab The Role of Dendrites in the Organization of Functional Neural Circuits for Motion Detection in the Retina
Vael Gates 2021 Spring Collins / Griffiths Labs Formalizing and Testing Computational Cognitive Models of Social Collaboration
Jenna Adams 2020 Fall Jagust Lab Tau pathology is associated with neural activity and connectivity in aging and preclinical Alzheimer’s disease
Adam Eichenbaum 2020 Fall D'Esposito Lab The Neural Bases of Individual Differences in Complex Cognition and Behavior
Jocelyn Breton 2020 Summer Kaufer Lab The role of the prefrontal cortex in stress and motivation
Franklin Caval-Holme 2020 Summer Feller Lab The Neural Basis of Light Detection in the Developing Retina
Charles Garfinkle 2020 Summer Sommer Lab A Tale of Two Dictionary Learning Problems
Zeke Barger 2020 Spring Dan Lab Robust, automated sleep scoring by a compact neural network with distributional shift correction
Charles Frye 2020 Spring DeWeese / Bouchard Labs Finding Critical and Gradient-Flat Points of Deep Neural Network Loss Functions
Ignas Cerniauskas 2019 Fall Lab Chronic stress induces activity, synaptic and transcriptional remodeling of the lateral habenula associated with deficits in motivated behaviors
Sara Slama 2019 Fall Knight Lab Mechanisms of visual attention, and their relationships to expectation and navigation, in the human brain
Daniel Toker 2019 Fall D'Esposito Lab Structure, Dynamics, and Information Flow Across Brain States
Shariq Mobin 2019 Spring Olshausen Lab Efficient coding of natural sound
Jonathan Jui 2018 Fall Flannery Lab Endogenous Induced Cell Fate Change of the Müller Glia in Different Models of Retinal Degeneration
Keven Laboy-Juarez 2018 Fall Feldman Lab Principles of Tactile Stimulus Integration in the Rodent’s Whisker Somatosensory Cortex
Kimberly Long 2018 Fall Kaufer Lab The role of oligodendrocytes and myelin in differential susceptibility to stress-induced anxiety
Amy LeMessurier 2018 Summer Feldman Lab Experience-Dependent Refinement of Maps and Population Codes in Primary Somatosensory Cortex.
Anwar Nunez-Elizalde 2018 Summer Gallant Lab Using multiple high-dimensional feature spaces to model brain activity recorded during naturalistic experiments
Elena Ryapolova-Webb 2018 Summer Adesnik Lab Interactions between barrel cortex and primary somatosensory thalamus in the mouse
Maureen Turner 2018 Summer Ngai Lab The role of Stem Cell Factor in recovery from neurological injury
Katelyn Arnemann 2018 Spring Jagust Lab Insights on Alzheimer’s disease etiology from network approaches in healthy aging
Falk Lieder 2018 Spring Griffiths Lab Beyond bounded rationality: Reverse-engineering and enhancing human intelligence
Elizabeth Lorenc 2018 Spring D'Esposito Lab The neural bases of precision and distractor resistance in visual working memory
Alexander Naka 2018 Spring Adesnik Lab Inhibitory pathways in the neocortical microcircuit
Vladimir Senatorov 2018 Spring Kaufer Lab Mechanisms and treatment of blood-brain barrier dysfunction and related pathology during aging
Alaina Thomas 2018 Spring Wilbrecht Lab The effects of early life adversity on the development of circuits that support flexible decision-making
Timothy Day 2017 Fall Schaffer / Flannery Labs Expanding the Potential of Adeno-Associated Virus for the Treatment of Intractable Inherited Retinal Degenerations
Yvonne Fonken 2017 Fall Knight Lab Electrophysiology of inhibition and auditory prediction mechanisms in human cortex
Daniel Bliss 2017 Summer D'Esposito Lab Serial Dependence in Visual Working Memory: Time Course and Neural Mechanisms
Christopher Holdgraf 2017 Summer Knight Lab Predictive models of auditory perception in human electrophysiology
Samuel Israel 2017 Summer Ngai Lab Characterization of a Novel Population of Olfactory Neurons
Shawn Marks 2017 Summer Jagust Lab The Influence of Age and Alzheimer_s Pathology on Hippocampal Function
Ryan Neely 2017 Summer Carmena Lab Cortical and Striatal Circuits for Learning Adaptive Behaviors and Wireless Ultrasonic Implants for Interfacing with the Nervous System
Joseph Driscoll 2017 Spring Kriegsfeld / Fields Labs Effects of Corticotrophin Releasing Factor on Ventral Tegmental Area Neurons
Samuel Harding-Forrester 2017 Spring Feldman Lab Somatotopic Precision of Whisker Tuning in Layer 2/3 of Rat Barrel Cortex
Brian Isett 2017 Spring Feldman Lab Simultaneous Coding of Microscopic and Macroscopic Features of Touch in Mouse Somatosensory Cortex
Anna Vlasits 2017 Spring Feller Lab Excitatory Inputs to Starburst Amacrine Cells: Adaptation, Computations, Development
Natalia Bilenko 2016 Fall Gallant Lab Functional hyperalignment by CCA
Levi Gadye 2016 Fall Ngai Lab Regeneration of olfactory epithelium
Benjamin Kallman 2016 Fall Scott Lab Circuits that regulate innate behaviors
Kenji Kobayashi 2016 Fall Hsu Lab Attention and Value Processes
Courtney Gallen 2016 Summer D'Esposito Lab Functional Brain Network Organization Supporting Executive Control Processing
Tyler Lee 2016 Summer Olshausen / Theunissen Labs Neurobiological models of auditory scene analysis
Alina Liberman 2016 Summer Whitney Lab The Role of Serial Dependence in Visual Perception
Claire Oldfield 2016 Summer Isacoff Lab Imaging thoughts - an investigation of neural circuits encoding changes in behavior in zebrafish
Matar Haller 2016 Spring Knight Lab Sustained neuronal activity in human prefrontal cortex links perception and action
Sarah Hillenbrand 2015 Summer Ivry Lab Action selection and coordination: Perspectives from movement speed learning
Oscar Vazquez 2015 Summer Kaufer Lab Serum albumin promotes stem cell proliferation and neurogenesis in a rodent model of post-traumatic epilepsy
Benjamin Gaub 2015 Spring Isacoff Lab Vision restoration in animal models of human blindness using natural and engineered light-gated receptors
Colleen Kirkhart 2015 Spring Scott Lab Gustatory Processing in Drosophila Higher Brain Centers
Helene Moorman 2015 Spring Carmena Lab Representation and control in closed-loop brain-machine interface systems
Maya Cano 2014 Fall Knight Lab The Behavior and Electrophysiology of Directed Forgetting in the Auditory Domain
Robert Gibboni 2014 Fall Bao Lab Plasticity of neural circuits in the auditory system
Asako Miyakawa 2014 Fall Bao Lab Plasticity in the Auditory Pathway
Lucas Pinto 2014 Fall Dan Lab Extrasensory components of sensory discrimination
Stephanie Greer 2014 Spring Walker Lab The impacts of sleep and sleep deprivation on human brain and behavioral incentive processing
Aaron Koralek 2014 Spring Carmena Lab Large-Scale Neuronal Network Changes Underlying Neuroprosthetic Learning
Alana Wong 2014 Spring Kaufer Lab Dissecting the functional and morphological contributions of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in neural progenitor cells of the hippocampus
Rachel Denison 2013 Fall Silver Lab Parallel and Competitive Processes in Low-Level Vision and Their Impact on Awareness
Caterina Gratton 2013 Fall D'Esposito Lab Attention and Disruption: Modulating the Interactions between Large-scale Brain Networks and the Properties of Local Cortical Regions
Liberty Hamilton 2013 Fall Bao Lab Modulation and Manipulation of Sound Representation in the Auditory Cortex
Alexander Huth 2013 Fall Gallant Lab Semantic Representation in the Human Brain
Kevin Mann 2013 Fall Scott Lab A Mechanism for Behavioral Cross--?Inhibition in Drosophila
Allan-Hermann Pool 2013 Fall Scott Lab Inhibitory Control in the Drosophila melanogaster Feeding Circuit
Chris Rodgers 2013 Fall DeWeese Lab Rule-encoding neurons in prefrontal and auditory cortex of rats performing a task similar to the cocktail party problem
Jennifer Sloan 2013 Fall Wallis Lab The Prefrontal Cortex and Hierarchical Behavior
Emily Cooper 2012 Fall Banks Lab Studies of human depth perception in real and pictured environments
David Fegen 2012 Fall D'Esposito Lab Cortical mechanisms underlying verbal working memory
Allyson Mackey 2012 Fall Bunge Lab Behavioral and Neural Effects of Reasoning Training by Allyson Mackey
Kirstie Whitaker 2012 Fall Bunge Lab Individual differences in white matter integrity: Linking brain structure to cognition in children and adults
Linh Dang 2012 Spring Jagust Lab Dopamine, neural networks, and cognition
Adeen Flinker 2012 Spring Knight Lab The electrophysiology of language perception and production
Erica Warp 2012 Spring Isacoff Lab An optogenetic investigation of the control and development of the spinal central pattern generator in zebrafish
Leah Byrne 2011 Fall Flannery Lab Engineered Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy in the Retina
Michele Insanally 2011 Fall Bao Lab Development of complex sound representations in the primary auditory cortex
Heesoo Kim 2011 Fall Bao Lab Development and Plasticity in the Primary Auditory Cortex
Elizabeth Kirby 2011 Fall Kaufer Lab Stress effects on adult hippocampal neurogenesis and sexual reproductive function
Hania Köver 2011 Fall Bao Lab Plasticity And Perception In Primary Auditory Cortex
Chung-hay Luk 2011 Fall Wallis Lab Encoding externally and internally accredited value in prefrontal cortex
John Long 2011 Spring Carmena Lab An Inquiry into the Neaural Correlates of Learning Behavior in the rat
Elizabeth Mormino 2011 Spring Jagust Lab Neural Effects of Beta Amyloid in Normal Aging
Grant K. Kauwe 2010 Fall Isacoff Lab Short-term and long-term control of synaptic strength by light activatable glutamate receptors at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction
Antonio Lara 2010 Fall Wallis Lab On Working Memory: Its organization and capacity limits
Marta Soden 2010 Fall Chen Lab Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Local Protein Translation During Homeostatic Synaptic Plasticity
Tara Tracy 2010 Fall Chen Lab Single Nanowire Probe for Single Cell Endoscopy and Sensing
Matthew Baggott 2010 Spring Robertson Lab Other Times I Can Barely See: The Effects of Hallucinogens on Vision and Attention
Luisa Cacheaux 2010 Spring Kaufer Lab A Novel Role for TGF-Beta Signaling in Epileptogenesis
Emily Jacobs 2010 Spring D'Esposito Lab Estrogen shapes dopamine-dependent cognitive processes: Implications for women?s health
Ariel Rokem 2010 Spring Silver Lab Neural Mechanisms of Perceptual Learning
John Schlerf 2010 Spring Ivry Lab The Cerebellum and Motor Learning
Lavi Secundo 2010 Spring Knight Lab Analysis of Neural Activity in Human Motor Cortex - towards Brain Machine Interface System
Bradley Voytek 2010 Spring Knight Lab Frontal and Basal Ganglia Contributions to Memory and Attention
Gautam Agarwal 2009 Fall Isacoff Lab Heterogeneity in Drosophila Signaling Systems
Charles Cadieu 2009 Fall Olshausen Lab Probabilistic Models of Phase Variables for Visual Representation and Neural Dynamics
Chenmei Chen 2009 Fall Dan Lab Circuitry Underlying Response Properties of Neurons in the Primary Visual Cortex: Spatiotemporal Receptive Field of Synaptic Inputs
Michael Goard 2009 Fall Dan Lab State-dependent cortical processing: Cholinergic modulation of visual responses
Hui Lu 2009 Fall Poo Lab Cocaine-induced Modification of Synaptic Plasticity in Rat Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Lei Shi 2009 Fall Griffiths Lab Hierarchical Bayesian inference in the brain: psychological models and neural implementation
Ryan Canolty 2009 Spring Knight Lab Using neuronal oscillations to investigate large-scale brain networks
Sundari Chetty 2009 Spring Kaufer Lab Molecular Mechanisms of the Stress Response and Adult Neurogenesis
Elena Allen 2008 Fall Freeman Lab Explorations of the Function of the Central Visual Pathway with Visual and Electrical Stimulation
Annaliese Beery 2008 Fall Zucker Lab Neuroendocrinology of affiliative behavior in group-living rodents
Brian Pasley 2008 Fall Freeman Lab Neurovascular Coupling in Brain Imaging and Brain Stimulation
Noopur Amin 2008 Spring Theunissen Lab Listening to Song: How the Auditory System of Songbirds Processes Natural Sounds
Cathrine Dam 2008 Spring Knight Lab The Effects of Aging and Frontal Lobe Damage on Emotional Processing
Christina Karns 2008 Spring Knight Lab Multisensory Integration and Attention
Brian Miller 2008 Spring D'Esposito Lab Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Component Operations in Memory: A Multi-Methodological Approach
Chun-Liang Pan 2008 Spring Garriga Lab Regulation of Neuronal Development by Wnt Signaling In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Natalia Caporale 2007 Fall Dan Lab Plasticity and Learning in the Rodent Visual System
Robin Ball 2007 Spring Isacoff Lab Regulation of synaptic strength at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction
Aubrey Gilbert 2007 Spring Ivry Lab Lateralized effects of languag on perception
Joel Mainland 2006 Spring Sobel Lab Perceptual Effects of Sniffing and Neural Mechanisms of Control
Thomas Muench 2005 Spring Werblin Lab Starburst Amacrine Cells in the Mammalian Retina: Synaptic Interactions and Their Role in Directional Selectivity