
Name Title Department Role Topics Research interests
Lamiae Abdeladim Postdoctoral researcher, Adesnik lab Molecular and Cell Biology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience
Sabrina Abram Postdoctoral Researcher, CognAc lab Psychology Postdoc Cognitive Neuroscience
Hillel Adesnik Associate Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty, Faculty Research: Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Faculty Research: Computational Neuroscience Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Neural basis of sensation, perception, and action

Erin Aisenberg Postdoctoral Researcher, Bateup lab Neuroscience Postdoc
Adrián Alejandro Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Gomez Lab

Derek Apodaca Director of Building Services
Leleña Avila Graduate Program Manager Neuroscience Administrative Staff Graduate Program
Robin Ball Continuing Lecturer Molecular and Cell Biology, Neuroscience Faculty Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Active and inclusive teaching practices in biology education
Deepthi Bannai Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Olshausen & Yates Labs

Helen Bateup Associate Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience, Molecular and Cell Biology Faculty Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Molecular basis of synapse and circuit changes associated with epilepsy and autism

Annaliese Beery Associate Professor of Neuroscience Integrative Biology, Neuroscience Faculty, Faculty Research: Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Mechanisms supporting affiliative social behavior between peers; neuroendocrinology of complex behavior

Natalie Bernstein Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Puthussery Lab

Nikhil Bhatla Postdoctoral Researcher, Adesnik lab Molecular and Cell Biology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Karina Bistrong Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Feller Lab

Julia Bleier Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Isacoff Lab

Briana Bohannon Postdoctoral Researcher, Feldman lab Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute Postdoc Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Interneurons, cellular physiology, ion channels, psychiatric/neurodevelopmental disease

Steve Brohawn Associate Professor of Neuroscience Molecular and Cell Biology, Neuroscience Faculty Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Molecular basis of sensory transduction and electrical signaling, especially mechanosensation

Skylar Brooks Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Hsu Lab

Haidyn Bulen Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Fu Lab

Octavio Campos Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Katie Carson Assistant Director of Student Services Administrative Staff
Amanda Chirino Postdoctoral Researcher, Ivry lab Psychology Postdoc Cognitive Neuroscience
Bonnie Tom Undergraduate Academic Advisor Administrative Staff
Faye Clever Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Brohawn Lab

Katie Cording Postdoctoral Researcher, Bateup lab Neuroscience Postdoc
Yang Dan Howard Hughes Medical Investigator and Professor of Neuroscience, Pivotal Life Sciences Chancellor's Chair in Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty, Faculty Research: Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Neural circuits controlling sleep; mechanisms of executive control

Matt Davis Postdoctoral Researcher, Beery lab Integrative Biology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Michael DeWeese Professor of Neuroscience Optometry, Neuroscience Faculty, Faculty Research: Computational Neuroscience Computational Neuroscience

Neural mechanisms underlying auditory processing and selective attention in the cerebral cortex and artificial neural networks

Gül Dölen Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience and Psychology Faculty Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Circuit and synaptic mechanisms of social cognition. 

Julie Elie Postdoctoral Researcher, Yartsev lab BioEngineering Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience
Anna Elleman Postdoctoral Researcher, Kramer lab Molecular and Cell Biology, Neuroscience Postdoc Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Thomas Elston Postdoctoral Researcher, Wallis lab Neuroscience Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience
David Feinberg Acting Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty, Faculty Research: Computational Neuroscience Cognitive Neuroscience

 MRI technology development, mapping columnar and visual circuitry, modeling neurovascular coupling

Dan Feldman Professor of Neuroscience, Coates Family Endowed Chair in Neuroscience, Department Chair Neuroscience Faculty Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Sensory processing and plasticity in the somatosensory cortex

Maya Feldthouse Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Isacoff Lab

Marla Feller Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

 Functional development and organization of neural circuits in the retina

Yvette Fisher Assistant Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

 Flexibility of neural circuits for spatial navigation

Corrina Fonseca Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Jagust Lab

Angelo Forli Postdoctoral Researcher, Yartsev lab BioEngineering Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience
David Foster Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Encoding of spatial memory and navigation toward rewards by neural ensembles in the hippocampus

Marta Gajowa Postdoctoral Researcher, Adesnik lab Molecular and Cell Biology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Carina Galicia Director of Student Services Administrative Staff
Jack Gallant Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty, Faculty Research: Computational Neuroscience Cognitive Neuroscience

 Identifying cortical maps to discover how the brain represents information about the world and its own mental states

Logan Ganzen Postdoctoral Researcher, Kramer lab Molecular and Cell Biology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Angel Garcia Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Feller Lab

Pierre-Marie Garderes Postdoctoral Researcher, Feldman lab Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, Neuroscience Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience
Liz Gardner Department Manager Neuroscience Administrative Staff
Joseph Giorgio Postdoctoral Researcher, Jagust lab Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience
Zhongyan Gong Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Bautista Lab

Mark Gorenstein Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Knight & Piantadosi Labs

Teresa Granados Interim Director of Financial Services Administrative Staff
Jessica Gustin Murray Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Isacoff Lab

Feng Han Postdoctoral Researcher, Jagust lab Neuroscience Postdoc Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience
Theresa (Tessa) Harrison Research Staff, Jagust lab Neuroscience Research Staff Cognitive Neuroscience

Cognitive aging, Alzheimer's disease, resilience, multimodal neuroimaging

Alev Hatay AP Analyst Administrative Staff
Caroline He Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Bautista Lab

Will Hendricks Postdoctoral Researcher, Adensik lab Molecular and Cell Biology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Katharine Henn Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Miller Lab

Nancy Hernandez Villegas Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Schekman Lab

Marcus Hogan Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Bouchard Lab

Jen Holmberg Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Gallant & Silver Labs

Mary Hsueh Academic Personnel Manager Administrative Staff
Eric Hu Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Wallis Lab

Carolyn Irving Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Gallant & Ivry Labs

Ehud Isacoff Professor of Neuroscience, Evan Rauch Chair in Neuroscience Molecular and Cell Biology, Neuroscience Faculty Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Mechanisms of ion channel function, synapse development, plasticity, and neural circuit function

Richard Ivry Professor of Neuroscience Psychology, Neuroscience Faculty Cognitive Neuroscience

Cognition and action, with an emphasis on how people select actions, learn skills, and produce coordinated movements

Samantha Jackson Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Wilbrecht Lab

William Jagust Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty Cognitive Neuroscience

 Anatomic, biochemical, and neurochemical bases of brain aging and dementia

Yanabah Jaques Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Kaufer Lab

Mark Jenkinson Director of Administraton and Operations Administrative Staff
Na Ji Professor of Neuroscience Physics, Neuroscience Faculty, Faculty Research: Computational Neuroscience Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Novel imaging methods to understand the brain

Iksung Kang Postdoctoral Researcher, Ji lab Molecular and Cell Biology Postdoc Computational Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Krishna Kasuba Postdoctoral Researcher, Yartsev lab BioEngineering, Neuroscience Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience
Daniela Kaufer Professor of Neuroscience Integrative Biology Faculty Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Molecular mechanisms of brain plasticity in response to stress and neurological insults

Preeya Khanna Assistant Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Faculty, Faculty Research: Computational Neuroscience Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Neural basis of dexterous motor skills and neurotechnology for restoring and rehabilitating movement

Leana King Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Weiner Lab

Bob Knight Professor of the Graduate School Neuroscience, Psychology Faculty

Neural coding underlying goal-directed behavior and development of brain-machine interfaces for motor and language prostheses. 

MeeJung Ko Postdoctoral Researcher, Kaufer lab Integrative Biology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience
Natsumi Komatsu Postdoctoral Researcher, Landry lab Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Postdoc Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Richard Kramer Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Novel chemical reagents for non-invasive optical sensing and manipulation of ion channels and synapses

Lance Kriegsfeld Professor of Neuroscience Psychology, Neuroscience Faculty Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Brain and endocrine regulation of circadian rhythms

Chris Kymn Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Olshausen Lab

Amanda LaBel Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Gallant & Ivry Labs

Stephan Lammel Associate Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Midbrain dopamine circuits in reward-based behaviors and pathological changes in addiction, depression and schizophrenia

Markita Landry Associate Professor of Neuroscience Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Faculty Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Exploiting nanomaterials to probe and characterize complex biological systems at the nano-scale; nanosensors for brain chemistry

Aryanna Layden Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Fisher Lab

Jing-Jing Li Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Collins Lab 

Tommy Li Postdoctoral Researcher, Bateup lab Molecular and Cell Biology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Pei Wei Liu Postdoctoral Researcher, Jagust lab Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute Postdoc Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience
Odilia Lu Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Lammel Lab

Samira Maboudian Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Jagust & Weiner Labs 

Sonali Mali Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Bautista Lab 

Maura McDonagh Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Baranzini & Kaufer Labs 

Dosia McKinney Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Kaufer Lab

Anna McPherson Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Emily Meschke Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Gallant Lab 

Hannah Monday Postdoctoral Researcher, Feldman lab Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Gergey Mousa Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Olzmann Lab 

Dyana Muller Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Piantadosi Lab 

Nathan Munet Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Wallis Lab 

Sandra Muroy Postdoctoral Researcher, Kaufer lab Integrative Biology, HWNI, Neuroscience Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Lily Nguyen MCB PhD student Molecular and Cell Biology Student Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience

Fisher Lab

Kristin Nichols HR Partner Administrative Staff
Allison Nieto Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Feldman Lab 

Sean Noah Postdoctoral Researcher, Silver lab Neuroscience Postdoc Cognitive Neuroscience

Perception, cognition, attention, psychedelics and other psychoactive drugs

Bruno Olshausen Professor of Neuroscience Optometry, Neuroscience Faculty, Faculty Research: Computational Neuroscience Computational Neuroscience

Computational models of sensory coding and visual perception

Ben Parker Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Weiner Lab 

Stefania Pezzoli Postdoctoral Researcher, Jagust lab Neuroscience Postdoc Cognitive Neuroscience

Cognitive aging, Alzheimer's disease, successful aging, resilience, neuroimaging, neuropsychology

Chayarndorn Phumsatitpong Postdoctoral Researcher, Kriegsfeld lab Psychology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Miah Pitcher Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Feller Lab 

Mark Plitt Postdoctoral Researcher, Fisher lab Molecular and Cell Biology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
David Presti Teaching Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty Cognitive Neuroscience

How psychoactive substances contribute to understanding of the connection between physical processes in the brain and the psychology of mental states (the mind-body problem)

Max Pruner Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Foster Lab 

Tianhao Qiu Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Fisher Lab 

Deepa Ramamurthy Postdoctoral Researcher, Feldman lab Neuroscience Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Neural circuits for attentional selection in somatosensory cortex. 

Lucia Rodriguez Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Feldman Lab 

Masato Sadahiro Postdoctoral Researcher, Adesnik lab Molecular and Cell Biology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Atehsa Sahagun Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Bateup Lab 

Eduardo Sandoval Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

DeWeese & Knight Labs 

Ryan Schultz Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Isacoff Lab 

Michael Silver Professor of Neuroscience Optometry, Neuroscience Faculty Cognitive Neuroscience

Neurophysiological and neurochemical substrates of human visual perception, attention, and learning

Vidhi Sinha Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Khanna Lab

Rachana Deven Somaiya Postdoctoral Researcher, Feller lab Molecular and Cell Biology Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Brooke Staveland Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Hsu & Knight Labs 

Boaz Styr Postdoctoral Researcher, Yartsev lab BioEngineering Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Shruthi Sukumar Postdoctoral Researcher, CognAc lab Psychology Postdoc Cognitive Neuroscience
Matthew Tarchick Postdoctoral Researcher, Feller lab Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Frédéric Theunissen Professor of Neuroscience, PhD Program Director Neuroscience Faculty, Faculty Research: Computational Neuroscience Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Perception of complex sounds

Alina Tiemroth Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Gomez Lab 

Cécile Tissot Postdoctoral Researcher, Baker lab and Jagust lab Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Postdoc Computational Neuroscience
Dario Tommasini Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Shekhar Lab 

Mauro Torres Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Weiner Lab 

Tyler Toueg Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Jagust & Silver Labs 

Tiffany Tran Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Liu Lab

Cincia Tsai Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Jagust & Kaufer Labs 

Doris Tsao Professor of Neuroscience, Nan Fung Life Sciences Faculty Scholar Neuroscience Faculty, Faculty Research: Computational Neuroscience Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

How the brain builds a model of the visual world

Christine Tseng Postdoctoral Researcher, Gallant lab Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute Postdoc Cognitive Neuroscience
Emilie Tu Research staff (lab manager), Bateup lab Molecular and Cell Biology, Neuroscience Research Staff Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Neural basis of behavior, neurological disorders. 

Kaeli Vandemark Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Feldman Lab 

Matteo Visconti di Oleggio Castello Postdoctoral Researcher, Gallant lab Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute Postdoc Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience
Joni Wallis Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience Faculty, Faculty Research: Computational Neuroscience Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Neuronal mechanisms underlying high-level cognitive and behavioral processes

Han Chin Wang Postdoctoral Researcher, Feldman lab Neuroscience Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Sensory neuroscience

Maddie Webb Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Dillin Lab 

Kevin Weiner Associate Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience, Psychology Faculty Cognitive Neuroscience

Models to explain how brain structure and function contribute to measurable behaviors (e.g. face perception)

Gerald Westheimer Professor of the Graduate School Neuroscience Faculty

Perceptual learning in spatial visual tasks

Linda Wilbrecht Professor of Neuroscience Psychology, Neuroscience Faculty Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Experience dependent plasticity and the development of circuits involved in value based decision making

Makenzie Wilkinson Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Dölen Lab

Kelly Wong Research Staff (Lab Manager), Feldman lab and Fisher lab Neuroscience Research Staff Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Neurodevelopmental disorders, sensory dysfunction, ADHD, autism

Chenchen Xia Postdoctoral Researcher, Clark lab BioEngineering Postdoc Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Mental disorders, neurodegenerative diseases

Michael Yartsev Associate Professor of Neuroscience Neuroscience, BioEngineering Faculty Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Neuroscience of Natural Behaviors

Anna (Ha Yun) Yoon ME PhD student Mechanical Engineering Student Circuit Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience

Ji Lab

Peony Yu Graudate Program Coordinator Neuroscience Administrative Staff Graduate Program
Jun Zhu Molecular and Cell Biology Postdoc Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Optical microscopy for neuronal imaging

Jun Zhu Postdoc
Kailin Zhuang Graduate Student Neuroscience Student

Bouchard Lab 

Bob Zucker Professor of the Graduate School Neuroscience Faculty

Mechanisms underlying regulation of synaptic transmission